“Regards Croises”


Manaelle Pierre, Mendije Sanon, Sarahie Thelasco, Yvone Hilaire and Ernst Clergé watch “Regards Croisés” at home in Pétionville, Haiti.


“Regards Croisés,” which translates roughly as “Viewpoints,” has been on the air a little more than a year and is a runaway hit with middle- and working-class Haitians who live, as people in the capital put it, “down the hill.” The show’s improvised skits, which feature all-too-familiar character types — the ill-trained schoolteacher, the mercurial embassy consul — gently send up Haitian daily life, particularly the class divides and crushing hardships that

make so many Haitians desperate to get out.

About Vive Harambee!

Vive Harambee! is a 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to impacting the lives of people in developing nations by providing them access to clean water, sanitation facilities and hygiene education.
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